Karen Waldman has lived in Sydney, Australia, most of her life. Her career began in the construction industry, after qualifying with Bachelor degrees in Science and Architecture. Following eight years in project management in her own company, she undertook a Master of Business Administration and moved into the public sector. In New South Wales and Queensland, Karen held operational and corporate roles in the water and energy industries, progressing to the position of Chief Executive Officer. 

She always envisioned a time when she would turn her journal writing activities into a creative writing career. Newly retired, in the United States, her experiences provided the perfect platform to write about the adventures she shared with her beloved dog Sidnie, who had also made the journey with Karen and her husband.

Karen has two adult daughters living in New South Wales, so Australia will always remain her home. Prior to Sidnie, Karen had three other Cocker Spaniels and has always been a dog lover, so it was only fitting for her canine companion to be the focus of her first book. She recently became mum to a Cocker Spaniel puppy, who, following Sidnie, has ‘big paws to fill’.